
March 2020
Personas are short snapshots of individual children, which provide information about the configuration of the child’s family, offer insights about the child’s likes or interests, and share information about the child as a learner. There are three sets of personas available: infant/ toddler, preschool, and K-Grade 3. The children reflect different learning needs: children who are dual language learners, have identified disabilities, live in challenging conditions, have experienced trauma, and are racially/ethnically/culturally diverse.

Resource Type: 

  • Handouts/Tipsheets
  • Print

Types of Diversity: 

  • Children with Disabilities
  • Children and Families who are Culturally, Racially, and Ethnically Diverse
  • Children who are Dual Language Learners
  • Children and Families who have Experienced Maltreatment and Trauma
