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Building Cohesion through Partnerships with Cooperating and Mentor Teachers

The early childhood teacher’s role as a cooperating/mentor teacher is an important one that is critical to the ability of practicum students to learn how to become an effective teacher of young children. This webinar will address key roles and responsibilities of effective cooperating/mentor teachers, as well as the competencies and supports that cooperating/mentor teachers need to provide effective support to novice teachers. Finally, this course will outline how cooperating/mentor teachers should use NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Practice to guide their work with student teachers.

Resource Type: 

  • Webinar


  • Instruction
  • Leadership

NC Community College Core Course: 

  • Early Childhood Capstone Practicum



Please join in the conversation!

What issues, solutions, and resources can you share related to supporting quality field experiences and building cohesion with mentor teachers?

Great resources

Ben - I concur with your assessment. One reason I love the 15 minute in-service clusters is because they often have resources for teachers, faculty/instructors, and more.