Making a Smooth Transition

With schools in such an unusual state over the past few months, younger children (in grades preschool–2) may struggle to understand that the last school year ended and that, when they return to school this fall, the settings will have changed. Not only will COVID-19 guidelines bring new procedures, but most children will be entering a different grade, in a different classroom, with a different teacher and classmates, maybe partially or wholly online — all without benefit of the “ending” rituals of the prior year that help ease the transition from one school setting to another. To help families explain the upcoming transitions in ways that make sense, Melissa Butler, founder of the Children’s Innovation Project and the reimaginging project, and Junlei Li, the Saul Zaentz senior lecturer of early childhood education, provide simple strategies that families can start to use now at this website.

Resource Type: 

  • Website
  • Handouts/Tipsheets


  • Transition