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Prekindergarteners Left Behind: Expulsion Rates in State Prekindergarten Systems.

This article highlights Walter Gilliam’s findings on the rates of PreK expulsion, including specific findings related to race and gender (e.g., African‐American preschoolers were about twice as likely to be expelled as European American (both Latino and non‐Latino) preschoolers and over five times as likely as Asian‐American pre‐ schoolers; boys were expelled at a rate over 4½ times that of girls). A subsequent study showed that when teachers were supported to use evidence‐based practices that promote children’s social emotional competence expulsion rates went down.

Resource Type: 

  • Print


  • Inclusion

Types of Diversity: 

  • Children and Families who are Culturally, Racially, and Ethnically Diverse

NC Community College Core Course: 

  • Child Guidance