Do Early Educators’ Implicit Biases Regarding Sex and Race Relate to Behavior Expectations and Recommendations of Preschool Expulsions and Suspensions?

Black children make up only 19% of preschool enrollment, but comprise 47% of preschoolers suspended one or more times. Black boys are three times as likely as Black girls to be suspended one or more times. This study sought to learn about the underlying causes behind the disproportionate expulsion of Black boys. The study revealed that most preschool teachers are guilty of unconscious racial bias when disciplining students. In analyzing 132 staff members of early childhood programs, most of whom were teachers, researchers found that most had “a tendency to more closely observe Black children and especially Black boys when challenging behaviors are expected.” The team also found that Black teachers hold Black students to a higher standard of behaviors than white teachers do, and were more likely to punish them harshly.

Resource Type: 

  • Website
  • Handouts/Tipsheets


  • Environment
  • Inclusion

Types of Diversity: 

  • Children and Families who are Culturally, Racially, and Ethnically Diverse