Natural Resources: Free Resources for Supporting Developmentally Appropriate Practices (November 2021)
November 2021 saw the release of multiple resources for learning about and thoughtfully implementing developmentally appropriate practice (DAP), including the 4th edition monograph from NAEYC. This issue of Natural Resources offers information about a few free DAP resources to access, read, and consider using.
Resource Type: Newsletter
Types of Diversity: Children and Families from Underrepresented Populations, Children who are Dual Language Multilingual Learners, Children with Disabilities
Community College Core Course(s): Child Development and Learning, Child Guidance, Child, Family, and Community, Children with Exceptionalities, Creative Activities, Early Childhood Capstone Practicum, Health, Safety, and Nutrition, Infants, Toddlers, and Twos, Introduction to Early Childhood, Language and Literacy Experiences
Age Range: Birth-8