Home > News > The first in the 2020 SCRIPT-NC webinar series is happening on February 11, 2020

The first in the 2020 SCRIPT-NC webinar series is happening on February 11, 2020

February 9, 2020

Join us for a FREE 1-hour webinar from 2-3 pm EST. to discuss practice-based assignments with Kathleen Artman Meeker from the University of Washington. Practice-based assignments bridge coursework and field experiences, but it can be challenging to design assignments that work for the wide variety of community college field placements. This webinar will share tips for structuring practice-based assignments, helping students know what to expect, designing rubrics, grading efficiently, and overcoming resistance. Register here: https://fpgcdi.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vqJ0BT3fQiK-eLKZgImfow